Monday, October 27, 2008

Help me find some Moolahs......................

..............So i can get these:

1- Sony Ericsson W960i

Why? First of all, I am a loyal Sony Ericsson user and I believe in their phones. They are user friendly, functional and last pretty long. I like this particular model because of its storage capacity which is 8gb. It also has the "Walkman 3.0 Touch player - best music player on a phone EVER" according to and I have tried it and I have to agree. So basically, when I saw the phone at the shop, I was really impressed. When I held it, it kinda have this Blackberry feel to it. But one thing that is breaking my heart is the price. RM 1999.00. *cries* Man!!!!! How now??? I guess I have to wait for it unless I win the lottery or something. Haish!!!!

2- DSC-W170 W Series

Why? I went to Courts Superstore the other day and I manage to try pretty much every camera in the shop but nothing held my attention long enough like this camera. At first I wanted another camera but this took a lot of nice pics and I was impressed on the price. Not too expensive. RM 1199.00. Ok what??? I gotta figure out how to get these items w/o doing something stupid. Work..yes but it will take me forever to get these items!!!!!

Think Alia...Think Alia......

Till next time...toodles!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

If I was Rich....

Have you ever muttered these 4 words? Don't Lie...I bet you all have, right? Even the well-off ones have muttered this sentence. Now...why is it? Are we not just satisfied with what we have? Well obviously, duh.....But seriously, why?

I personally like saying these words cuz I enjoy pondering what my life would have been like if I was rich. I do know that money does not bring you happiness. But having a butt-loads of cash is just plain fun. And sometimes I do think it does bring happiness to people. Imagine being able to do a lot of things you love. ooooo...To be Scrooge McDuck for a that is just lovely. Why I refer to Scrooge McDuck is because I find it amusing how he can just dive into his vault filled gold as if he was swimming. Now that is just crazy but comically fun.

Let me just fill you guys in if I was rich I would...

1) Travel: I think everyone has this on their list, right? Places I would love to visit someday is
-Capri, Italy,
-Santorini, Greece
- New York City
- Bermuda
- Japan
- Dubai
- Mecca, Saudi Arabia
- Egypt
- Morroco
- Spain

And many more...I will post up about these places in upcoming post cuz for me to just say it does not do justice when I tell you the reasons why I wanna go there. : D

2) Investments: You guys will probably look at me with a really puzzling face. Yes..I don't look like someone who will invest in something big unless its a Chanel bag. LOL. Seriously, I would love to make big investments and mostly it will go to properties. My friend, Syura and I was discussing about this the other day and how it is important to do property investments. I would love to buy properties in places mentioned in my travel wish list. Now that will be awesome!!!

3) Buy a Ginormous House near a beach

4) Shopping: Obviously!!! I'm not so into brands but if I was rich..I will go on a crazy shopping spree. You girls feel me right??

5) Cars: I am not a car aficionado but who wouldn't want to buy a kick-ass car. The other day I saw this picture of Aston Martin Vanquish S front and I was like "Come to Mama.." hehehe.
Come on..just look at this beauty....

My brother says I won't look good in it but whatever man. I want one!!!!

6) Jet Plane: Its a crazy idea but wouldn't it be nice to have your own plane and travel as you wish. Lovely!!!

There are many things I would love to do if I was rich but these 6 are my main priorities.

What would do if you were rich???
Something to ponder huh??

Till the next post.....XoXo

Saturday, October 18, 2008

One Random Day Out

Its a Saturday and I woke up thinking that today I will do nothing. Maybe some chores here and there but pretty much nothing interesting.

As I was reading the Star newspaper, I came across this little article on what to do on a Saturday (I think its in the Metro section). And in the corner of the page was an article about FREE DANCING WORKSHOPS. I was intrigued. They offered free teachings on Flamenco, Salsa, Belly Dancing, Capoeira and many more. I always wanted to learn Belly Dancing and I've already bought that shimmy skirt thingy eons ago so I thought.."Why not?" I've got nothing to do and maybe I can get a little bit of exercise for today.

And so I packed up some stuff and headed to the studio situated in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, KL.
The workshop started at 11am but I came around 3pm and I came just in the nick of time cuz the Belly Dancing class was about to start. I was the only one who brought her shimmy skirt so I was very "bangga" with myself when the instructor, Nancy, was very pleased with me for bringing it. LOL. Anyways, since it was just an intro class, she just taught the basic and different Belly Dancing technique out there (and there is quite a number..). And boy I felt really sexy.LOL. And the hip movements and shimming around was not easy. Since I went alone, I pretty much had to rely on myself to follow the instructor. Some of the other participant brought someone with them and they tend to rely on their friend for help in the steps. I must say it was sooooooo liberating. I just shimmied around with no care in the world. After the class ended, I continued to stay to see other type of dances. Basically, I participated in Capoeira, Flamenco and Latin Aerobics. Capoeira was the hardest one. If you have the stamina and able to carry your body, you should join this. Its interesting but not my thing. My fav. was Latin Aerobics. The instructor, Stephan was so energetic and he mentioned that he combines all type of Latin moves. Another moment I felt sexy..haha.

I must say, after leaving the studio, I was very happy with myself. You know when you have nothing to do and feel bored and you continue to do nothing for the rest of your day and you just sulk. Today, I can proudly tell myself at least I did something and which is so random.
I told myself this, " You are bored cuz you're boring". Tell yourself this and you may somehow find yourself doing something absolutely random. Try it dudes and dudettes. You may suprise yourself.

Till the next whine, toodles.

Note: The studio I went to was called Havana Estudio. The owner is Sharie (very nice lady). You can visit their website at and check out other classses you may want to participate.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just a little side note


I would like to thank to those who have stopped by my blog and maybe have some little interest in this little thing of mine. Do say hi at my cbox (see side box) or drop me a comment so we can exchange views or whatever.

Don't be shy. I won't bite. : D


Kini Tiba Masanya...berHari Raya

Hi peeps....

Its been more than a week that the Muslims welcomed the month of Syawal and where we celebrate Eid Mubarrak. Usually the Muslims are going all out with preparation before the special day and my family ain't any different. My mom will make her absolutely 'sedap' (tasty) chicken rendang, ketupat, and kuah kacang with peparu *salivates*..

This year celebration is different though. We have a new member in our family, my brother-in-law, Abg. Rizal. Now this fellow, he told us that he never had the proper Eid celebration where usually ppl will 'balik kampung' and where family members will ask for forgiveness and all that shazam. So he told us, he never done all that and this is the very first time doing all the typical preparation and traditional customs. Lets just say he was quite 'jakun' (overly excited). *its okay Abg. u are part of the Najri Clan..u will realize we have a lot of dumb traditions : P*

Another thing that was different was, since my grandma is staying with us for a while, my mom's sibs came to celebrate at our house so our house was very 'meriah'. Even the night before, we were playing fireworks like little over eager kids. Hehehe....Just check out the pics below

Before you check out the pics, let me recommend something to you all. If you ever try to purchase illegal firecrackers or whatever shiznits...I recommend the "KLCC". Just ask the seller why. (no pics were taken during this "KLCC" display cuz we were too occupied with its awe-ness)

-My Family-

My sis & my brother-in-law

My sister and my brother
(Being vain is what we know best)


-Lighting up the tree-

-Christmas Tree during Eid Mubarrak??-

-My siblings and my little cousin being 'jakun'-

-My uncle and my brother cooking 'lemang'-

-My brother-in-law getting excited-

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I ain't no Superwoman but I am a Wonder Woman

Just one of those filler post. Will be back soon with more things to whine. : D

Your results:
You are Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

*Feel free to tag yourself if you wanna do this..

Monday, September 29, 2008

When will it be my turn??

Okay..I gotta continue whining for awhile...(well that is what my blog is called so bare with me)

Like I said in my post before, I was at the airport yesterday sending my brother's friend off to UK. Anyways, one thing I hate about the airport is the fact that other people are travelling and not me. I haven't stepped on an aeroplane for almost 10 years. Yes..I know, there are other people out there who has not even been on an aeroplane but like my blog title says, I'm a whiny brat..sue me.

Everytime I'm there, its either picking someone up or sending them off. WTF!!

I sometime offer to help with their baggage just to pretend that I'm a traveller and I have a real purpose being there. Stupid..I know. But it makes me feel better though.

So...i wonder when will it be my turn. Will I be able to travel again? I dunno. I'm hoping for my last year of degree I will be able to continue my studies abroad but that one is uncertain because it will depend on whether I got sponsorship from anyone. : (

Man...I gotta save up some money so I can travel in the near future. My girlfriends and I have discussed that when the whole group is together, we gotta go somewhere far. Hopefully its abroad and not domestic. We'll just wait and see.


Distance make the Heart grow fonder??

Its 7.30 in the morning and I have not slept. I'm having such an irritating stomach ache. I dunno what I ate but its getting to me. Damn..these past few months I've been getting constant diarrhea and its annoying. My stomach is getting too sensitive for food. Oh God..I hope not. I love food. If you see me in real'll understand how I got the way I look.

Anyways..that's not what I wanna whine about.

Last night, I followed my younger brother to send his best bud to the airport. I know the friend so that is why I tagged along. Kinda weird to see how my brother and his friend got close because somehow I played a role in them getting close. So it was really fate that step into play.

So as I was standing at the airport looking at my brother's sad face, I realize that I know what he's going through. Couple of my closest friends are or had gone off to UK for studies. It really makes me sad because I hate the fact I can't just call them up to hang or to talk. It will take time and money just to communicate with them which totally sucks. I have another close friend who's family lives on the other side of Malaysia (the Borneo island part) and that sucks as well because I gotta wait for her to come back.

In true 'brat' fashion, I don't want them to leave or stay far away. I prefer them in close proximity. At least half an hour away. Eventhough we all don't hang out everyday but the fact you know they are nearby when you feel like running away from your crazy world, it makes me feel comfortable. I also know that they are away for a purpose, whether it is family or their studies. But c'mon... I hate the distance. I live in Malaysia, do you think it's easy to just jet off to UK whenever I feel like it. First of all, I don't got the moolahs and lastly, the economy is in the crapper so for me to waste my money on travelling, it will just be a dumb move. So how??

I gotta be supportive of them because I love and care for them. And I do have some other close friends still around. But it is much nicer when the whole group is together. Man..I sound like I'm in high school. But you guys get it right? When you all are together, you can do lots of thing without thinking that someone is gonna be missing out.

Anyways, I guess the distance does make the heart grows fonder. I just gotta wait it out.

To my brother, distance friendship is hard, but you gotta remember that if you do love your friend, you will know in your heart that he/she will come back to you.

Continue to whine till the next time.


To the man who breaks my heart everytime

You can be such a bastard, yet I love you
You can be cruel and yet I still love you
You can be pig headed and I wanna be with you
You can be a liar and I still wanna be with you


I let my heart hurt everytime you say "I can't see you"
I let my voice hurt after I scream at the top of my voice
I let my knees tremble when I do get to see you
I let my eyes tear up when you say goodbye

I hate you for what you've done to me.

I've become cynical
I've become annoying
I've become self righteous
I've become scorned
I've become neurotic
I've become self-conscious

Yet I still love you

And when you said "You don't need to wait for me"

I WILL ALWAYS WAIT FOR YOU....always and forever.

Sometimes I just want to give up everything that I've worked for between us
Because you don't give in
You don't let me in

Sometimes I think I'm better off with someone else
Someone who will love me the way I deserve to be loved
Someone who will love me the way I am

Sometimes I think what would've happen if I didn't say what I've said that night 4 years ago.
Will you and I still be together?
Will you and I be in some sort of rut?
Will you and I be happy now?

Sometimes I wonder.....Are you still worth it?
I defend you when people say you're not
I put a smile on my face and say "I'm okay with him"
When clearly I am not.

Sometimes I wonder..Why am I jealous of those girls who you are close too?
You wanna know why?
Its because I'm afraid of losing you to them.
I'm afraid that one day you realize they are better than me.
I'm afraid you will realize they are the one for you.

Do you know that when I don't hear any news from you, you make me wonder..
"Is he okay?"
"Is he feeling well?"
"Is he safe somewhere?"
"Is he dead?"

If I didn't pick up the phone and make an effort to call, I will probably never know what has happened to you.

I hate feeling this way. And I hate thinking about you this way.

So are you worth it?

The answer is Yes.

I, probably 90% of time, hate your guts but that 10%.....

You make me laugh
You make me smile
You make me stand up for what I believe in
You make me be tough when things get bad
You make me feel safe
You make me feel proud for what I want out of my life
You supported me for whatever decisions I have made, good and bad
but most importantly....
You made me feel wanted and you accepted me for me.
You loved every inched of me
and You never judged me and what my family has gone through.
You endured those nagging calls and those tearful calls.
And you loved me eventhough I've made accusations that you didn't.

I do sometime think that you deserve someone less crazy than me.

But just remember this,

You will never find someone who challenges you
You will never find someone who stands up for you
You will never find someone who stands by you
You will never find someone who will drop everything just to be there for you
And you will never find someone who loves you they way I loved you

So, Mr. Rockstar, in spite of the my anger and disappointment

I will always love you
I will always be there for you
I will always wanna be with you
and I will always wait for you

I will wait for you

So please, let me get glimpses of your heart and soul as I did for you.

I love you

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Passing of a Legend

(January 1925-September 2008)

It saddens me to inform you guys that Paul Newman has passed away yesterday. He was 83 years old.

I'm not his biggest fan but I am an admirer of his efforts outside the Hollywood industry.
A philanthropist, race car enthusiast and all around good guy, you can say that everyone knew who he was even if you haven't watched his movies. Some of you may know him through his movies like the famous cowboy movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and some may know him from his food products like Newman's Own Popcorn. From his brand of Newman's Own, the profits will go to various charity. Now..who does that nowadays?? Very little.

Another thing I admirer him for is his marriage to Joanne Woodward, another Hollywood actress. Eventhough he was married before, but his marriage to her lasted 50 years!!!! Hello.. in Hollywood, marriage means nothing but he manages to stand by her side till his death. Another feat in Hollywood. I can only imagine what Mrs. Newman is feeling right now. Gosh.. too heartbreaking to think. The Tinseltown resident should live by these words said by 'Butch' about his marriage to Joanne Woodward, "Why go out for hamburger when you have steak at home?". Get that?? Love that quote.

Anyways..Hollywood lost its, probably, one of the last great actors ever. He will be sorely missed.

I think I'm going to cry this coming Academy Awards when they show the memoriam montage.
: (

Till the next post..adios.

Out with the Old..In with the New


I have slaved my fingers and brain into figuring this world of xml and html and all that crap and it is finally here...MY NEW LAYOUT... yippeee


Well I like it. It kinda sets the mood of total thinking mode and a little mystery. I had another template in mind but that went to the crapper. Oh well...maybe one day when I can master the fine art of xml and all that, maybe I will use that other one. In the mean time...feast your eyes on my new blog.

Another change I made is the title and my web address. I was thinking what will be a suitable title to use to have people be more intrigued and here is the list of choices I made:

1- Fashion Slave- since I love clothes, thought the blog can be more focused on fashion.
2-Mrs. Wentworth Miller- I love the man..'nuf said.
3-Fikiran Melampau- It means "Exaggerated Thoughts" (i think) in Malay
4-Mental Masturbation- For you dirty people out there, this is not a pornographic term as it seems. This term basically means a mind that over thinks.
5-Vintage Voice- I'm very vintage, bohemian inspired person. Whether it has to do with the clothes I wear or the stuff I used, I like to feel old-worldly.

and many more...

What made me choose "The Whiny Brat" is because it is a honest term for me. Yes, I'm whiny and I am a brat. But who gives a shit. At least I'm aware of it and know how step out of my comfort zone. (woahhh...a little too deep there)

So there you have it folks..My new Blog and its new url: Hopefully after this I'll be more inspired to write and update you guys more. So do visit more often okay...

Till the next post..adios!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wait for it!!!!!!

Hello reader...

As it is obvious, its been moooooooooooonnnths since i've blogged. Too many has happened and to many reasons why I haven't blogged. I'll start a policy where..when I feel like blogging..I'll blog. But I won't deprive you people too long ( as if there is many of you out there who will read this : P ). Cuz seriously, what's the point of having a blog when you don't type anything. I'm planning to revamp this blog to capture more readers so like my title says.. wait for it. Still shopping around for a good background and widgets to add to my page. Got one but this bloody blogger editing thingy is giving me headache. guys gotta wait. Okay?

Peace out.

Check you guys later.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pro at Procrastinating

Oh God... I'm such a lazy a** effer. I can't even update my blog.

I'm trying to be devoted to this but I seem to be soooo lazy at updating.

I have soooooo much to say and type but noooooo...NADA... nothing. Gosh.. I visit my friend's blog all the time but I can't even update my own little blog.

I need to STOP this procrastinating...but...I'm Lazy.. You can say I'm the Head of the ProcrastiNATION.

But...honestly..what's the point. YOU (whoever you are) are probably the only one reading this right now. I don't have any LOYAL readers. But who can blame them..there is nothing to read here except for my old post.

Too bad I don't do this for money like some of my fellow bloggers. At least I'll be more motivated. Hmmmm....but like seriously...what's the point??? My blog won't be updated as often. FUCKKKKKK!!!!!! (sorry if that offended you..I can swear like a sailor sometime.. :P)

Oh well...Reader....pray for me so maybe I have the strength to write something tomorrow.

Till then...(whenever that'll may be)


Monday, May 26, 2008

In all Honesty (A Tag)

Tagged by Shemah

The Rules; simple:

1. Be honest with your answers
2. Answer ALL q's!
3. Please re-post the q’s. (just copy & paste lah)
4. Name and link the person who tagged you.
5. Tag 5 other friends

Here Goes:
1. Rate your life from 1-10 (1 being very miserable)
A: Right now..5

2. Is your hair long or short?
A: Kinda long but desperately needs a trim.

3. Do you have many real friends?
A:Nope..just a few. I don't need a lot.

4. Name friends you last hung out with?
A: Yanti from college

5. Do you love chicken?
A: As food, Yes but the real thing...No. I am afraid of birds.

6. Last three drinks you had?
A: Water, Tea and Apple Juice

7. Do you eat fish?
A: Yes..indeedio..hehe

8. Do people mispronounce or spell your name incorrectly?
A: Sometimes. When I lived in the States, they pronounced it as "A-liar"..true story. Some people mis-spelled my name. Sometimes its 'Aliya' or 'Aliyah' or 'Aleeya'. Its just 4 simple letters 'Alia'.

9. Who was the last person you hugged?
A: Yanti

10. Last guy you think about?
A: hmmm...will not say.

11. Any food that made you smile today?
A: My mama cooked my fave today..Daging masak kicap (Beef with Soy Sauce)

12. Name one thing you have in common with your friends?
A: We know how to have a good laugh. :)

13. Do you trust your friends?
A: Some..not all.

14. How old will you be in five years?
A: 28 and hopefully where I wanna be, married and have a career.

15. Do you believe in love?
A: I do..but it has failed me so many times so that faith is starting to fade.

16. Except for family and friends, who are you in love with?
A: No one.

17. Do you honestly believe you have found the right guy/girl?
A: Currently...I have no one so that's the story of my life.

18. Are you someone's best friend?
A: I am my own best friend and my own enemy.

19. Do you love music?
A: Yes.

20. Last song you listened to?
A: Corner of your heart-Ingrid Michaelson.

21. What's the instrument you wish you were able to play
A: The guitar or the violin

22. Who was the last person you talked to?
A: My brother, Hilmi.

23. Who was the last person to call you?
A: My sister, Leena.

24. Would you consider yourself a worrier?
A: All the time.

25. Do you consider yourself as a happy person?
A: Insecure and cynical..thats more me. Happy is too general.

26. Do you believe in saving yourself for marriage?
A: Well...I understand the idea but we have urges so judgment.

27. Last person that pissed you off?
A: I will not say.

28. From whom have you missed the most calls in the last 5 days?
A: My sister, Qilah.

29. Who's the first person you call when you're having a bad day?
A: Either my brother, Hilmi or one of my friends.

30. Last person who made you laugh like crazy?
A: Monk from the tv show of the same name.

31. Who's your greatest inspiration in life?
A: My parents and Angelina Jolie (yea..I really that a problem?)hehe

32. Are you a good guesser?
A: Not really.

33. Who was the last person to sing your current favorite song and what song?
A: Myself and Sensual

34. Who makes you laugh the most?
A: No one specific.

35. What have you been telling yourself lately?
A: To be more relax and focus

I got no one to tag so whoever is reading and has not done are welcome to do so.

Under Construction

Hello reader(s),

Currently, I'm updating my blog for viewing pleasure so don't be surprise that everytime you come here..the layout is changed.

I'm still working on it as I'm still new at this whole blogsphere.

Till then,


25 Days Later

My my..I haven't typed anything on my blog for the past 25 days.

Sorry though as I haven't had any juice in me to write. You can say I'm those lazy bloggers who once in a while writes something. Ughh... I complain that I can't do anything on the net but this..I totally ignore.

Anyways... what has happened to me for the past couple weeks...

1- Celebrated Shakira's B'day (11 May)

It was a total blast. We celebrated it at the posh Twenty-One Kitchen and Bar at Changkat Bukit Bintang, KL. All close friends of Shakira were around so you can say it was a fun group of people. Had couple of awkward moments here and there but that is not important. All I can say..the night was sure hell of a party.

2- Catched couple movies

Had a pleasure to watch Drillbit Taylor and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (and I was not alone on both case you were wondering). Both movies were ok. I'm not a fan Owen Wilson who was in Drillbit but Tara, a friend of mine, who came to visit for the weekend a week ago wanted to watch it and I went along. As for CoN:Prince Caspian, again..not a fan of the franchise but my younger brother wanted to watch it so I went along with it. Even though I may sound like I hate both, it was just not my cup of tea.

3- Started class

For those who don't know, I'm currently pursuing my degree in Early Childhood Education in SEGi College. This is my third semester and so far I'm loving the course. I have always wanted to work for something that involves children and I have found it. Its fulfilling. guys will hear more about this in my up coming posts.

4- Shopping spree with my girls

I had a good shopping trip with my girls, Syura and Shakira last Tuesday. First, we went to 0sixnine at SS 15 in Subang Jaya. I didn't expect to shop so quickly as I had my full focus to find a bag that day. But I succumb to the devilish temptation that was in the stores. As some of you might know, I am a accessories freak of nature. I tell everyone that if they want to buy me a present, they can just buy me accessories. It has to be one of kind and does not need to be expensive. I tend to rummage through every store I go to find jewelries and 0sixnine was no exception. I bee lined my way to the jewelry section and I managed to buy two necklaces and a pair of wooden earrings. I also managed to snag a cool sunnies (after much persuasion from Syura..hehe). It was good buy as it was all under RM 100. Cool huh?? Afterwards, we dragged our asses to Sungei Wang, a shopping mecca for the KL-ites. This place has EVERYTHING. It sells great cheap stuff (if you know where to find it). I use to go to this place with my ex cuz he love the place. He usually goes to the IT area and walk around to see some cool stuff. Anyways.. I introduced to the girls this floor above the parking area where not a lot of people know. It usually where all the hipsters and fashion conscience people go to find a good bargain. Its also a place where indie designers set up their shop. I call this place the Harajuku Floor. hehehe. Check it out when you have the time. Just go to the IT floor...find the escalator going up and continue to go up till you see the shops. PS: I did find my bag and I love it. After an exhausting hunt, I settled for my half off bag. Pics will be up soon.

5- Kecik got attack 6 rabid dogs.

In a sad news, my little cat, Kecik, got attack on Saturday morning by 6 rabid dogs. It was just too traumatizing to describe. My dad woke me and brother up saying our cat is being attack. We rushed out of our beds and went to see what happen. Basically, 6 dogs were cornering our cat and attack him senselessly. We chased the dogs away but our cat was weak. We took him and went on a search for a vet. My brother and I were in a frantic search to find the closest but none were open so we settled at the Animal Hospital at Pekeliling in KL. We left him there to get treated and we went back in the afternoon to see the progress. God, the facial expression my brother and I had were indescribable. We saw him lying there on the check up table with scratches and wounded and weak. The Doc told us he had a hernia from all the thrashing and he had a punctured lung and he had to be castrated because his b**** was wounded badly. We were about to cry but the doc said he will be fine. So far, he is gonna be okay. My brother and I are waiting on the edge for the docs call to update us. You see, couple years ago, we had another cat named Kenit who died and we sent him to the same hospital. He died of poison. Maybe something he digested but the whole experience really traumatized us. When my mom got the call from the doc, we were too devastated and we both started crying our eyes out. We just don't want this to happen again. Anyways..if all is well, we can take him home this Tuesday.

After what happen, I've come down with a high fever and kinda bed ridden. My tomorrow plans will be visiting Kecik at the vet so he will know we are gonna be here for him. ( Yes..I know..he is a cat but he means the world to me so I don't care what you think).

Till then....


Thursday, May 1, 2008

What is this World coming to??

Look what found on YouTube. A 7 year old in the USA caught stealing his Grandma's car and went on a joyride around town with his 7 year old buddy who apparently smoke ciggies.

Just watch.

I bet he did get some whoop ass from his grandma.
The PoPo's want to press charges.
What do you think??
I say not to press charges but send him to some school for juvenile delinquents.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Evil Look

When I'm down, I tend to go to YouTube and type 'baby laughter' just to make my day. And I recently found this video and I can't help rolling on the floor LMAO..hahaha...take a look.

God..its hilarious. I'm loving it.

To the people who had a bad day, hope this brought at least a little smile to your face. Enjoy.

Single and in my early 20's be 5 yrs old and not have the care in the world especially when it comes to BOYS.

Not that I'm complaining but as a single person in KL, you either look like a sad and pathetic sore loser or you end up someone's charity case. When did it become so taboo to be single? That's how I feel in today's world.

One great example of how society view single women is of an incident that happen to me today. I had finished an exam paper early and it was around 5pm. As you can imagine, the rush hour has begun and there is no where in hell I'm driving home then so I decided to do something. One thing that popped into my head was heading to The Curve to check out Bubba Gump Shrimp. I arrived and saw the place, I decided not to eat there cuz firstly the portion looked huge and I had a heavy lunch and lastly, was low on the moolahs. So, with free time in my hands, I wondered aimlessly and then I got to Cineleisure. Then I remembered, Iron Man was coming out today so wanna check what time did they have. And coincidently I noticed there was a show around 6.30 today so I went ahead and bought the ticket. You guys may think "OMG..she's watching it alone?????!!!!!!" but yeah I did and I've done it before so it was okay. As I was buying the ticket, the girl behind the counter asked how many I wanted, I said ONE and she just gave me this "HUH??" face..and I told her..yeah..I want ONE. This wasn't so bad but an incident afterward just had me in fits.

So I watched the movie (which btw..was good..I thoroughly enjoyed it but I just felt the trailer was too hyped up but all in was pretty good..), sat at my corner chair..all comfy and stuff. When the movie ended..I decided to sit longer just to watch the credit (cuz you never now if there is any hidden surprises cuz some movies do that ). As I watched people pass me by, some people just gave me looks like "Aww..she's alone.... boohooo" I just gave them a smile if I managed to catch their eye. But this is not the bad part. The horrible incident happened as I walked out.

As I left Cineleisure, walking down the steps to the fountain, I bumped into a 'friend' with her boyfriend. As the normal "bump into someone you barely talked to" greetings go, we had the occasional "how are you? What are you upto" chats. Now this is when I felt like punching someone. When I told her that I watched Iron Man movie alone, she gave me this loud "OHHHHHH MYYYY GOOODDDD" and "WHHYYYYYY??" (for peeps who watched FRIENDS.. you guys remember that). She gave me this little advice of not watching movies alone cuz people will judge. In my head the whole time I was like " WTF..bitch...why should I give a damn!!!" She even asked her boyfriend to tell me that its not good for me to watch movies alone. I can tell he is the type of boyfriend who gets whipped..(I pitied the fool).
As we(or she) were about to finish our chat..the last thing she said to me is "You should get out more often." I was like.."where am I?? At home??"...Ughhhh....what a bitch.

As I head home..I was thinking, why are we so hung up on having bf/gf? Don't get me wrong, I rant about not having a boyfriend as much as the next person but do I really need one now?? Is it wrong for me to watch movies alone?? Why do people judge on people who they don't know because they are sitting alone having dinner at some restaurant?? I've done that and hey..I get excellent service cuz the host or waiters are more attentive and friendlier with me. Hmmm..

Right now, yes..because of what that bitch said, it got to me. I miss having someone in my life where its just me and him and I miss falling in love. But I'm single. Some days, it felt liberating and some days, its a sad thought of being alone. Yet..I'm not really alone. I have wonderful friends whom I cherish their companionship but you guys get me right? The whole relationship with someone you love so much..that's what I miss.

Ughhhh.....that EVIL BITCH. Can't believe she got to me.

I'm gonna watch my favorite YouTube videos to make me feel better.

Till then.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sexy Sexy

Hey..have you guys tried the Sexy Name Decoder. Its kinda funny (and also..I'm kinda bored so just doing this to fill my time). Anyways..this is my sexy name....

Amorous Luscious Individual Adeptly Needing Arousing Joy and Rapturous Indulgence

Get Your Sexy Name true..hahaha.



Musical Tag

I totally forgot that my fellow blogger and friend, Rafiq had tagged me to do this Music quiz. hahaha..Sorry.

Here it is.

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how big of a music fan are you?

A: 8

  1. What music genre do you listen to the most?

A: RnB and Rock

  1. What is the first album you’ve ever owned?

A: Don't laugh but I saved my money when I was 11 yrs old to buy the UK pop group 911's record. hahahaha...Remember them?? 'Bodyshakin' ke?? hehe

  1. Did you use to have posters of your favorite singers up on your bedroom wall when you were younger? If yes, who?

A: N'Sync or Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls

  1. Do you have any music related posters up on your wall now?

A: Nah..mostly pictures.

  1. Have you ever made a mix tape for anybody?

A: No...just made for myself..sad!!

  1. Who is the best artist(s) that you’ve seen live?

A:Alicia was unplugged...amazing performer.

  1. Name 5 artists that you want to see live.

A: U2......Coldplay....Justin Timberlake....Jay Z....Michael Jackson

  1. What song always manages to pick you up when you’re feeling down?

A: Smile by Nat King Cole

  1. Name 3 of the most romantic songs.

A: When I fall in love by Nat King Cole, I'll be seeing you by Billie Holiday, and When We Dance by The Police

  1. What is the best breakup song?

A: Take a Bow by Madonna

  1. What is your favorite album?

A: None specifically

  1. What is your fondest memory when it comes to music?

A: Honestly can't think of any right now.....cuz mostly they are bad memories...haha

  1. Bonus question for the ladies only (well, unless you men want to answer this :P): Who would you rather do? Spike from 911 or Ike from Hanson?
A: Errrr........Spike from 911 cuz he can dance (well almost..)


Can anyone recommend me any good template website. I tried to update and customize my blog but I lost the 'Layout' button. Help.....!!!!!

TV land is back

First of all, I just wanna address how psyche I am that I finally am able to use Mozilla Firefox. As I previously mentioned few posts ago, I had trouble uploading pictures into the post because of some 'bug' IE had in my computer. After endless fixings and figuring things out, I finally got Firefox. Yeah!!! (yes, its not something to be happy about but whatever..). onto the topic.

Another thing I am sooooooooooo happy about is the fact that most of my favorite TV shows are BACK!!!! I have no idea how I finally feel more alive. (Ok..thats a bit of an exaggeration) But I am happy. There are a lot of shows that are finally back on but these are the 3 shows that I can't wait to get my 'eyes' on.


What is not to love? The whole sexual tension, the sad medical cases, love triangles, the whole she-bang. Its addictive and you end up rooting for the characters. I read recently that the last episode will end up in a surprising passionate kiss. Hmmmm...I wonder..who will it be?? My money is on Izzie and Alex. It couldn't be Meredith and Derek cuz that's too predictable but we'll see. Can't wait!!!!!! Also I heard Joshua Jackson (my childhood humongous crush-pic on the left) was supposed to appear on the show as a doctor. When??? when??? Now I really can't wait...hehe.


OMFG... This show is just crazy. I know its just fiction but the lives of these upper class Manhattanites is just totally worth watching.I mean, the promotional ad (above) alone is making me going bonkers with anticipation. What I like about it the most is watching the fashion. I've never seen any 15-18 years old dressing like these kids. I'm on envy trip and every time I watch an episode, I'll be focusing on the clothes. They're just fabulous. Also, one character that is coming to town and wreck havoc is Georgina Sparks played by the talented Michelle Trachtenberg. Ooooo...Its gonna be deliciously scandalizing. XoXo.


I followed the Spanish version of this show and when I heard that there will be an American version, I was like "Oh no..". But Salma Hayek did a great job casting this show. It just works. My favorite character is Marc and Amanda. They are the hilarious duo on the show and without them I think the show wouldn't work very well. America Ferrera who plays Betty is an excellent actress but sometimes her character is just plain annoying..hehe. In the latest episode, a new character name Gio seems like has a thing for our heroine. I mean what he did for her birthday..sooo sweet. Anyways, I just can't wait what the diabolical Wilhemina has up in her sleeves.

What shows are you guys anticipating?

Till next time.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turning A New Leaf

Hello all,

Decided to change the title of my Blog cuz it felt more me rather the whole BIMBO thing. Anyway, am still renewing and updating my blog so it will be more eye cathing to everyone. So if anyone out there can teach me the tricks of the will be much appreciated.

Till then...


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Would you or wouldn't you??

I just bought Cashmere Mafia after endless search for the perfect DVD series to release tension and so far I'm liking it. All the drama, true friendships and most important..FASHION!!!!.. Its kinda me bringing back to the Sex and the City days (don't get me wrong... nothing compares to Sex and the City..). the first episode, a character named Zoe caught one of her best friend-Juliet- husband having an affair with the 'town whore'. Now, after discussing with the rest of the 'Mafia'...they decide to tell Juliet. My question is, Would you tell your friend that their partner is having an affair behind her/his back? I personally matter if I know the partner well or not but I'll probably do what Mia (played by the fabooo Lucy Liu) would do; Pay the partner a little visit and do some kicking of the balls....hehehe...

How about you guys?? Will you tell or let them find out on their own?

Its an interesting question, don't you think? Its like..If you tell them, you'll have an easy conscience but what about your friend who is receiving the news?? And if you don't, and they found out out on their own AND found out that you knew you as well, they will have your head!!! Hmmmm...I think I'll stick to the telling my friend and kicking the partner's ass thing.

Oh well..gotta sleep, it's really early in the morning and I haven't slept yet...Nite2 or should I say Good Morning...


Friday, April 11, 2008

Tag Virgin (My first time)

I recently got tagged by Rafiq and Shemah to these quizzes: Music or Top 5 Hunks respectively. Obviously, I will choose Top 5 Hunks for my first time : P (Sorry undestand kan?).. Anyways..Let the tagging begin.

My Top 5 Hunks

Wentworth Miller: Caught my eye in Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" video and I was like "Dayuuuuuuummmmm". Now, he stars in the hit Fox show "Prison Break" as Michael Scofield (He is damn fine in that one too).Ever since, my loins has been yearning for him. LOL

Channing Tatum: Everyone around me knows that I'm a sucka for great dancers and if you managed to catch Channing in "Step Up", you will know why. He can dance around me anytime.

Paul Walker: Those eyes...Those ABS...Aduuuuhhhh...whats not to drool on..

Hayden Christensen: When I found out that this dude will fill in the boots of Anakin Skywalker, I was like "Who?" and then I saw his picture. Let me tell you my reaction cuz I remember it like it was yesterday, "I don't give a damn if he's unknown. He can swing his lightsaber my way anytime....". Yes..that was my reaction..LOL

Jude Law: He is my favourite British piece of pie. There is something about his stare that makes me weak in the knees.

I wish I could add more because 5 ain't enough. I'm boy crazy and I'm not ashamed. Hahahaha.Therefore, here I will list out the men that if I had more choices than 5, it will be these men:

6) Will Smith:-A man with a great sense of humour and Body.
7) Gerard Butler:- He looked great naked as well as in a suit.
8) Chris Brown:- My boy toy. He is darn cute.
9) John Cusack:- He is my beloved dorky star. He stole my heart in "Say Anything
and I wish he was outside my window with a boom box his head.
10)Stomp the Yard cast:- I loved the film and I loved the Boys. 'nuff said.

I wish I can tag someone but Syura has done it and Shemah is the one who tagged me. So in the mean time, I'll be looking around for people to tag.

Till next time.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Josh Blue Rocks my panties off

I've been YouTube-ing these past few days and everytime I go on the site, I'll type in funny comedians or Def Jam Comedy just to get a few laughters for the day. And then I remember I onced watched this dude comedian who was handicapped on TV and so I decided to go on the search for him. (Yes..x de kerja lain..)

On the search bar, I typed in handicapped comedian (I know..a bit morbid but what else can i put). And the first named that popped up was Josh Blue and I was like..."Yes Yes..thats him..I recognized that hair anywhere.."..

Let me tell u guys..He is sooooo funny. Its not like you're laughing at his disabilities but more of how he does his jokes.

Just watch....

Funny..kan??..There are more videos of him in YouTube. Check him out.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

God is giving me a break!!!.... Woot Woot...Alhamdullilah

I heard the best news today.

My lecturer decided to postpone my assignment which was due this Friday to another 2 more weeks. I'm freakin fantastically HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost had a nrevous breakdown because of this. This week I was suppose to do 2 presentations. One tomorrow and one on Friday. The Friday assignment had to do with me creating props for children. (For those out there who don't know..I'm taking a course in Early Childhood Education).

Imagine...I gotta do all this arts and craft stuff and create a prop that is usable for childrens learning. Its not easy as it sounds. You gotta consider a lot of factors like the children's age range and their developmental stage. And I gotta create at least 10 items. And I only did 2. If my assignment was suppose to be due this Friday..I'll be totally fucked!!..

But thank you Allah....I'm so I can rest my brain and my nerves...Ahhhhhhhh....


I'll be jumping and shaking my pom pom..WOOT WOOT

Till next time...


Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Aaarrgghhhhh...Im trying to upload a pic for my previous post but everytime i Internet Explorer automatically shuts down..Babbbiiiiiiiiiii.........I hate IE....I want Firefox but still..IE shuts down..I updated my anti-virus software but still...I dunno whats IE's problem...
I got so many things to stress about and now this.....Fucking hell....


The REAL Man in my Life...My Abah

The other day something very rare happened in my dad read me a story.
Ok..I'm turning 23 this year and 23 year old person doesn't get any bedtime story from their dad's anymore. It was very surreal moment in my life and I will remember and cherish till the day I die.
It started very dad was giving me his usual 'life' lectures and started talking about the things I should read (ie my course study for sure). He knows I love to read cuz I would ask him for money to buy books or mags. Anyways..then the conversation topic turned to the book he is currently reading studying since he is doing JUSA course (for those out there who don't know what JUSA course is..its the government's way to torture their 'servants' into getting a promotion and upgrade their 'grade'..yeah..its confusing..but whatev..). In this course, they made the participant read this book called "The Iceberg is Melting" by John Kotter. Eventhough the title is misleading but its actually a management book disguised as a fable. Basically the story is about a penguin named Fred who on his heroic lonesome, is trying to convince his fellow penguins that their home is about to melt. Very cute actually. As we were moving from the dining room to the living room, my dad had me plonked myself next to him and he began to read. He chose the chapter where he stopped and as he was first I was like "oh great..he's trying to teach me a lesson by reading me a penguin story" and I started to figit under the table. And then as he flipped pages..I was like "this is fun". He at times needed me to explain what was some of the metaphoric meanings in the book (which I thought was cute..) and some of the words he didn't understand. I thought he would be finishing that one chapter but then he continued reading until he almost finished the book..he even started at the beginning of the book so I wouldn't be lost. I thought at the moment.." dad and I are having a father-daughter bonding time". I felt touched and I knew it wasn't his intention to read it to me like a story book but it felt special. I felt 5 again. He never read to me when I was little but at least I can look back at that moment and say "My dad did read me a bedtime story (I say its bedtime cuz it was late and we were about to sleep).
Our relationship was a rocky one. In the beginning, he was home yet he and my mom would argue a lot and I use to think of him as the bad guy. And then as I approached my teen years..he was barely there. During my first few years in college, he confided in me and told me he had another woman in his life which eventually had me follow him to go see her in Pahang. After that incident..things between me and him just went down hill. I guess now I feel that we're doing better.
My dad is a very private quiet yet egoistical man. He doesn't say much but when he does..he talks about meaningful things and during this time I like him the best. Some kids can't stand their parents lecture but I relish this moment cuz you never know what past stories he will tell. It kind helps me see the real side of him and not that Darth Vader creepiness he projects. And the one thing I can't stand looking at my dad is when he cries. It's just a heartbreaking thing to see. He cries only on really sad moments like when my grandma died or when my sister, Leena was flying off to the states to finish her degree..basically important moments..that's when he gets emotional.
My dad is one person who I know can never be replaced. A man on his own who I admire and respect the most and he is the living proof of that perserverance will take you a long way.
My siblings like to say that I'm 'Abah's girl' and eventhough sometimes I loathe that title but it makes me feel special.It may seem like an Electra Complex but I do realize I'm more on my Dad side than my Mom's. (I do love them equally..but yeah..)

I love my abah and he is the one man in my heart that can never be replaced.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Save the Trees..Start a Blog

Blogging for me is like when I was 8 years old and detemined to be Harriet the Spy. Trying to keep a journal and write every conquest or adventures I encounter.
But then again, I'm no Harriet. I can't keep a God damn journal. I usual buy them because of the pretty frilly covers. And my life is no adventure.
Now that I'm in my early 20's, I say why not. Its a cultural phenomenon and like sex, everyone is doing it. I'm just trying to fit in. Or at least I can rant out where not everyone will be reading.
As I enter this Blogsphere domain, I am wondering.."What should I write about?" I don't want to write everything I think about but then whatever I think about is all I can think about. Ok..I'm rambling. See what happens when you get all nervous or pressured (not that anyone is pressuring me..). But honestly, I'm quite inspired by my friend, who I shall call "S". She blogs and she is being paid. I'm impressed how one can just sit in front of their computer and write whatever they feel like it and get paid. Ahh..Modern techno is making the human race more lazier and lazier ("S" if ur offence..look at what I'm doing). No wonder Obesity is an Epidemic around the world. Ok..I'm just being a smart mouth. Who am I to judge? But then again I am judgemental.Whatever.. Lets move on.
Since I got no idea what to talk or write about, I'll shall end with this..
My inner thoughts may be offensive, political, and downright vulgar but they ARE my thoughts. Got an opinion.. write on the comment board and we shall discuss.
Till next time..

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