Monday, September 29, 2008

Distance make the Heart grow fonder??

Its 7.30 in the morning and I have not slept. I'm having such an irritating stomach ache. I dunno what I ate but its getting to me. Damn..these past few months I've been getting constant diarrhea and its annoying. My stomach is getting too sensitive for food. Oh God..I hope not. I love food. If you see me in real'll understand how I got the way I look.

Anyways..that's not what I wanna whine about.

Last night, I followed my younger brother to send his best bud to the airport. I know the friend so that is why I tagged along. Kinda weird to see how my brother and his friend got close because somehow I played a role in them getting close. So it was really fate that step into play.

So as I was standing at the airport looking at my brother's sad face, I realize that I know what he's going through. Couple of my closest friends are or had gone off to UK for studies. It really makes me sad because I hate the fact I can't just call them up to hang or to talk. It will take time and money just to communicate with them which totally sucks. I have another close friend who's family lives on the other side of Malaysia (the Borneo island part) and that sucks as well because I gotta wait for her to come back.

In true 'brat' fashion, I don't want them to leave or stay far away. I prefer them in close proximity. At least half an hour away. Eventhough we all don't hang out everyday but the fact you know they are nearby when you feel like running away from your crazy world, it makes me feel comfortable. I also know that they are away for a purpose, whether it is family or their studies. But c'mon... I hate the distance. I live in Malaysia, do you think it's easy to just jet off to UK whenever I feel like it. First of all, I don't got the moolahs and lastly, the economy is in the crapper so for me to waste my money on travelling, it will just be a dumb move. So how??

I gotta be supportive of them because I love and care for them. And I do have some other close friends still around. But it is much nicer when the whole group is together. Man..I sound like I'm in high school. But you guys get it right? When you all are together, you can do lots of thing without thinking that someone is gonna be missing out.

Anyways, I guess the distance does make the heart grows fonder. I just gotta wait it out.

To my brother, distance friendship is hard, but you gotta remember that if you do love your friend, you will know in your heart that he/she will come back to you.

Continue to whine till the next time.



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