Thursday, April 10, 2008

Josh Blue Rocks my panties off

I've been YouTube-ing these past few days and everytime I go on the site, I'll type in funny comedians or Def Jam Comedy just to get a few laughters for the day. And then I remember I onced watched this dude comedian who was handicapped on TV and so I decided to go on the search for him. (Yes..x de kerja lain..)

On the search bar, I typed in handicapped comedian (I know..a bit morbid but what else can i put). And the first named that popped up was Josh Blue and I was like..."Yes Yes..thats him..I recognized that hair anywhere.."..

Let me tell u guys..He is sooooo funny. Its not like you're laughing at his disabilities but more of how he does his jokes.

Just watch....

Funny..kan??..There are more videos of him in YouTube. Check him out.



Ratu Syura said...

alaaa.. u ni!! baru nak tido you post up something interesting! ok, all your fault im not sleeping. i'm being victimized by alia. alia's fault. bye!

Shemah said...

My freakin' connection so darn slowwww ohhh.. Later when it's up and running, I'll check it out.

I've tagged you also! But I bet you'll enjoy doing this one! I did.. sampai tak tido, I tell youuu... LOL!

And if I don't link you up in the next few weeks, you are allowed to harass me.. ;)

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