Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Single and in my early 20's be 5 yrs old and not have the care in the world especially when it comes to BOYS.

Not that I'm complaining but as a single person in KL, you either look like a sad and pathetic sore loser or you end up someone's charity case. When did it become so taboo to be single? That's how I feel in today's world.

One great example of how society view single women is of an incident that happen to me today. I had finished an exam paper early and it was around 5pm. As you can imagine, the rush hour has begun and there is no where in hell I'm driving home then so I decided to do something. One thing that popped into my head was heading to The Curve to check out Bubba Gump Shrimp. I arrived and saw the place, I decided not to eat there cuz firstly the portion looked huge and I had a heavy lunch and lastly, was low on the moolahs. So, with free time in my hands, I wondered aimlessly and then I got to Cineleisure. Then I remembered, Iron Man was coming out today so wanna check what time did they have. And coincidently I noticed there was a show around 6.30 today so I went ahead and bought the ticket. You guys may think "OMG..she's watching it alone?????!!!!!!" but yeah I did and I've done it before so it was okay. As I was buying the ticket, the girl behind the counter asked how many I wanted, I said ONE and she just gave me this "HUH??" face..and I told her..yeah..I want ONE. This wasn't so bad but an incident afterward just had me in fits.

So I watched the movie (which btw..was good..I thoroughly enjoyed it but I just felt the trailer was too hyped up but all in was pretty good..), sat at my corner chair..all comfy and stuff. When the movie ended..I decided to sit longer just to watch the credit (cuz you never now if there is any hidden surprises cuz some movies do that ). As I watched people pass me by, some people just gave me looks like "Aww..she's alone.... boohooo" I just gave them a smile if I managed to catch their eye. But this is not the bad part. The horrible incident happened as I walked out.

As I left Cineleisure, walking down the steps to the fountain, I bumped into a 'friend' with her boyfriend. As the normal "bump into someone you barely talked to" greetings go, we had the occasional "how are you? What are you upto" chats. Now this is when I felt like punching someone. When I told her that I watched Iron Man movie alone, she gave me this loud "OHHHHHH MYYYY GOOODDDD" and "WHHYYYYYY??" (for peeps who watched FRIENDS.. you guys remember that). She gave me this little advice of not watching movies alone cuz people will judge. In my head the whole time I was like " WTF..bitch...why should I give a damn!!!" She even asked her boyfriend to tell me that its not good for me to watch movies alone. I can tell he is the type of boyfriend who gets whipped..(I pitied the fool).
As we(or she) were about to finish our chat..the last thing she said to me is "You should get out more often." I was like.."where am I?? At home??"...Ughhhh....what a bitch.

As I head home..I was thinking, why are we so hung up on having bf/gf? Don't get me wrong, I rant about not having a boyfriend as much as the next person but do I really need one now?? Is it wrong for me to watch movies alone?? Why do people judge on people who they don't know because they are sitting alone having dinner at some restaurant?? I've done that and hey..I get excellent service cuz the host or waiters are more attentive and friendlier with me. Hmmm..

Right now, yes..because of what that bitch said, it got to me. I miss having someone in my life where its just me and him and I miss falling in love. But I'm single. Some days, it felt liberating and some days, its a sad thought of being alone. Yet..I'm not really alone. I have wonderful friends whom I cherish their companionship but you guys get me right? The whole relationship with someone you love so much..that's what I miss.

Ughhhh.....that EVIL BITCH. Can't believe she got to me.

I'm gonna watch my favorite YouTube videos to make me feel better.

Till then.



Ratu Syura said...

alaa.. don't let an insecure bitch get to you my dear! from a person who has been in a relationship most of her life, trust me, we're just insecure bitches. i can't eat at an eatery by myself, let alone, watch a movie by myself. but at least i know how insecure i am, and i look up to those who can. that bitch should realize she's the one on the losing end, and not you! she can't fool me, so don't let her fool you!

gosh, this calls for a lunch date! hahaha!! lepas my exams k dear! muaxxx...

Rafiq Abdul Rahim said...

aduh, she's one of those who think they're lives are better than others and wanna impose on other. I've been watching movies, eating doing stuff alone..before and even after i met Syura. nothing wrong with that. we do need some time alone anyways. yeah, she's insecure. at least you have you both feet to stand by yourself. she can't and is jealous that you could. that's all ;)

Rafiq Abdul Rahim said...

btw, I wanna go to Bubba Gump! i'll bring my running shoes and checkered shirt. :P

Shemah said...

O-M-G!! Can you spell insecure?? Well, I bet she can't because she's just an insecure dumb bimbo.

Asking ppl to not go out alone so that other ppl won't judge. Bloody hell, I feel like smacking her upside down. The only reason I would ask my friends not to go out alone is because I'm worried about their safety..

I don't mind eating alone or going to movies alone too! I used to do that when I was still working at MAS. When I was just plain bored and Syura was in cyber, I just went going around all by myself. I think I make excellent company for myself!

At least it's great that you're single because you're not settling for anything less than you deserve. Some girls just hook up with any woman-hitting jerk just so that they won't be alone. They're the pathetic ones. Not you.

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