Saturday, September 27, 2008

Out with the Old..In with the New


I have slaved my fingers and brain into figuring this world of xml and html and all that crap and it is finally here...MY NEW LAYOUT... yippeee


Well I like it. It kinda sets the mood of total thinking mode and a little mystery. I had another template in mind but that went to the crapper. Oh well...maybe one day when I can master the fine art of xml and all that, maybe I will use that other one. In the mean time...feast your eyes on my new blog.

Another change I made is the title and my web address. I was thinking what will be a suitable title to use to have people be more intrigued and here is the list of choices I made:

1- Fashion Slave- since I love clothes, thought the blog can be more focused on fashion.
2-Mrs. Wentworth Miller- I love the man..'nuf said.
3-Fikiran Melampau- It means "Exaggerated Thoughts" (i think) in Malay
4-Mental Masturbation- For you dirty people out there, this is not a pornographic term as it seems. This term basically means a mind that over thinks.
5-Vintage Voice- I'm very vintage, bohemian inspired person. Whether it has to do with the clothes I wear or the stuff I used, I like to feel old-worldly.

and many more...

What made me choose "The Whiny Brat" is because it is a honest term for me. Yes, I'm whiny and I am a brat. But who gives a shit. At least I'm aware of it and know how step out of my comfort zone. (woahhh...a little too deep there)

So there you have it folks..My new Blog and its new url: Hopefully after this I'll be more inspired to write and update you guys more. So do visit more often okay...

Till the next post..adios!!!


fimelime said...

alia~~~~~ June Ting here. Wonder if you still remember me. Miss you sooo much. How are you, girl? Loving the layout especially the background. Don't mind if I link u from my blog eh.
Neway, take care ya.

Designed by Lena