Sunday, April 6, 2008

Save the Trees..Start a Blog

Blogging for me is like when I was 8 years old and detemined to be Harriet the Spy. Trying to keep a journal and write every conquest or adventures I encounter.
But then again, I'm no Harriet. I can't keep a God damn journal. I usual buy them because of the pretty frilly covers. And my life is no adventure.
Now that I'm in my early 20's, I say why not. Its a cultural phenomenon and like sex, everyone is doing it. I'm just trying to fit in. Or at least I can rant out where not everyone will be reading.
As I enter this Blogsphere domain, I am wondering.."What should I write about?" I don't want to write everything I think about but then whatever I think about is all I can think about. Ok..I'm rambling. See what happens when you get all nervous or pressured (not that anyone is pressuring me..). But honestly, I'm quite inspired by my friend, who I shall call "S". She blogs and she is being paid. I'm impressed how one can just sit in front of their computer and write whatever they feel like it and get paid. Ahh..Modern techno is making the human race more lazier and lazier ("S" if ur offence..look at what I'm doing). No wonder Obesity is an Epidemic around the world. Ok..I'm just being a smart mouth. Who am I to judge? But then again I am judgemental.Whatever.. Lets move on.
Since I got no idea what to talk or write about, I'll shall end with this..
My inner thoughts may be offensive, political, and downright vulgar but they ARE my thoughts. Got an opinion.. write on the comment board and we shall discuss.
Till next time..


Ratu Syura said...

Woiii!! Sejak bila ada blog ni tak cakap pun!! But yayyy anyways! You have a bloggg!! I'll be your pengunjung tetap! :D

MdmAlia said...

Hahaha...sorry...just dabbling around..wanna get the hang of it cuz i feel like when m on the net..its so sekejap so decided to a got more time online la...hmmm..i sound like an idiot eh...

Rafiq Abdul Rahim said...

wow, Harriet the Spy has strucked again! hehe..

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