Monday, May 26, 2008

25 Days Later

My my..I haven't typed anything on my blog for the past 25 days.

Sorry though as I haven't had any juice in me to write. You can say I'm those lazy bloggers who once in a while writes something. Ughh... I complain that I can't do anything on the net but this..I totally ignore.

Anyways... what has happened to me for the past couple weeks...

1- Celebrated Shakira's B'day (11 May)

It was a total blast. We celebrated it at the posh Twenty-One Kitchen and Bar at Changkat Bukit Bintang, KL. All close friends of Shakira were around so you can say it was a fun group of people. Had couple of awkward moments here and there but that is not important. All I can say..the night was sure hell of a party.

2- Catched couple movies

Had a pleasure to watch Drillbit Taylor and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (and I was not alone on both case you were wondering). Both movies were ok. I'm not a fan Owen Wilson who was in Drillbit but Tara, a friend of mine, who came to visit for the weekend a week ago wanted to watch it and I went along. As for CoN:Prince Caspian, again..not a fan of the franchise but my younger brother wanted to watch it so I went along with it. Even though I may sound like I hate both, it was just not my cup of tea.

3- Started class

For those who don't know, I'm currently pursuing my degree in Early Childhood Education in SEGi College. This is my third semester and so far I'm loving the course. I have always wanted to work for something that involves children and I have found it. Its fulfilling. guys will hear more about this in my up coming posts.

4- Shopping spree with my girls

I had a good shopping trip with my girls, Syura and Shakira last Tuesday. First, we went to 0sixnine at SS 15 in Subang Jaya. I didn't expect to shop so quickly as I had my full focus to find a bag that day. But I succumb to the devilish temptation that was in the stores. As some of you might know, I am a accessories freak of nature. I tell everyone that if they want to buy me a present, they can just buy me accessories. It has to be one of kind and does not need to be expensive. I tend to rummage through every store I go to find jewelries and 0sixnine was no exception. I bee lined my way to the jewelry section and I managed to buy two necklaces and a pair of wooden earrings. I also managed to snag a cool sunnies (after much persuasion from Syura..hehe). It was good buy as it was all under RM 100. Cool huh?? Afterwards, we dragged our asses to Sungei Wang, a shopping mecca for the KL-ites. This place has EVERYTHING. It sells great cheap stuff (if you know where to find it). I use to go to this place with my ex cuz he love the place. He usually goes to the IT area and walk around to see some cool stuff. Anyways.. I introduced to the girls this floor above the parking area where not a lot of people know. It usually where all the hipsters and fashion conscience people go to find a good bargain. Its also a place where indie designers set up their shop. I call this place the Harajuku Floor. hehehe. Check it out when you have the time. Just go to the IT floor...find the escalator going up and continue to go up till you see the shops. PS: I did find my bag and I love it. After an exhausting hunt, I settled for my half off bag. Pics will be up soon.

5- Kecik got attack 6 rabid dogs.

In a sad news, my little cat, Kecik, got attack on Saturday morning by 6 rabid dogs. It was just too traumatizing to describe. My dad woke me and brother up saying our cat is being attack. We rushed out of our beds and went to see what happen. Basically, 6 dogs were cornering our cat and attack him senselessly. We chased the dogs away but our cat was weak. We took him and went on a search for a vet. My brother and I were in a frantic search to find the closest but none were open so we settled at the Animal Hospital at Pekeliling in KL. We left him there to get treated and we went back in the afternoon to see the progress. God, the facial expression my brother and I had were indescribable. We saw him lying there on the check up table with scratches and wounded and weak. The Doc told us he had a hernia from all the thrashing and he had a punctured lung and he had to be castrated because his b**** was wounded badly. We were about to cry but the doc said he will be fine. So far, he is gonna be okay. My brother and I are waiting on the edge for the docs call to update us. You see, couple years ago, we had another cat named Kenit who died and we sent him to the same hospital. He died of poison. Maybe something he digested but the whole experience really traumatized us. When my mom got the call from the doc, we were too devastated and we both started crying our eyes out. We just don't want this to happen again. Anyways..if all is well, we can take him home this Tuesday.

After what happen, I've come down with a high fever and kinda bed ridden. My tomorrow plans will be visiting Kecik at the vet so he will know we are gonna be here for him. ( Yes..I know..he is a cat but he means the world to me so I don't care what you think).

Till then....



Shemah said...

You love accessories, huh? Well, since you're the expert I might make u some and you can tell me how ugly or nice it is. LOL! VEry insecure about my "creations". Hehehee..

Anyways, soo kesiaannn lah your cat. How is kecik doing now??

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