Monday, September 29, 2008

When will it be my turn??

Okay..I gotta continue whining for awhile...(well that is what my blog is called so bare with me)

Like I said in my post before, I was at the airport yesterday sending my brother's friend off to UK. Anyways, one thing I hate about the airport is the fact that other people are travelling and not me. I haven't stepped on an aeroplane for almost 10 years. Yes..I know, there are other people out there who has not even been on an aeroplane but like my blog title says, I'm a whiny brat..sue me.

Everytime I'm there, its either picking someone up or sending them off. WTF!!

I sometime offer to help with their baggage just to pretend that I'm a traveller and I have a real purpose being there. Stupid..I know. But it makes me feel better though.

So...i wonder when will it be my turn. Will I be able to travel again? I dunno. I'm hoping for my last year of degree I will be able to continue my studies abroad but that one is uncertain because it will depend on whether I got sponsorship from anyone. : (

Man...I gotta save up some money so I can travel in the near future. My girlfriends and I have discussed that when the whole group is together, we gotta go somewhere far. Hopefully its abroad and not domestic. We'll just wait and see.



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