Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Would you or wouldn't you??

I just bought Cashmere Mafia after endless search for the perfect DVD series to release tension and so far I'm liking it. All the drama, true friendships and most important..FASHION!!!!.. Its kinda me bringing back to the Sex and the City days (don't get me wrong... nothing compares to Sex and the City..).

Anyways..in the first episode, a character named Zoe caught one of her best friend-Juliet- husband having an affair with the 'town whore'. Now, after discussing with the rest of the 'Mafia'...they decide to tell Juliet. My question is, Would you tell your friend that their partner is having an affair behind her/his back? I personally will..no matter if I know the partner well or not but I'll probably do what Mia (played by the fabooo Lucy Liu) would do; Pay the partner a little visit and do some kicking of the balls....hehehe...

How about you guys?? Will you tell or let them find out on their own?

Its an interesting question, don't you think? Its like..If you tell them, you'll have an easy conscience but what about your friend who is receiving the news?? And if you don't, and they found out out on their own AND found out that you knew you as well, they will have your head!!! Hmmmm...I think I'll stick to the telling my friend and kicking the partner's ass thing.

Oh well..gotta sleep, it's really early in the morning and I haven't slept yet...Nite2 or should I say Good Morning...



Rafiq Abdul Rahim said...

I watched all 7 episodes in two days..*sigh* I was to bored at that time..but best kan? haha!

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