Monday, May 26, 2008

In all Honesty (A Tag)

Tagged by Shemah

The Rules; simple:

1. Be honest with your answers
2. Answer ALL q's!
3. Please re-post the q’s. (just copy & paste lah)
4. Name and link the person who tagged you.
5. Tag 5 other friends

Here Goes:
1. Rate your life from 1-10 (1 being very miserable)
A: Right now..5

2. Is your hair long or short?
A: Kinda long but desperately needs a trim.

3. Do you have many real friends?
A:Nope..just a few. I don't need a lot.

4. Name friends you last hung out with?
A: Yanti from college

5. Do you love chicken?
A: As food, Yes but the real thing...No. I am afraid of birds.

6. Last three drinks you had?
A: Water, Tea and Apple Juice

7. Do you eat fish?
A: Yes..indeedio..hehe

8. Do people mispronounce or spell your name incorrectly?
A: Sometimes. When I lived in the States, they pronounced it as "A-liar"..true story. Some people mis-spelled my name. Sometimes its 'Aliya' or 'Aliyah' or 'Aleeya'. Its just 4 simple letters 'Alia'.

9. Who was the last person you hugged?
A: Yanti

10. Last guy you think about?
A: hmmm...will not say.

11. Any food that made you smile today?
A: My mama cooked my fave today..Daging masak kicap (Beef with Soy Sauce)

12. Name one thing you have in common with your friends?
A: We know how to have a good laugh. :)

13. Do you trust your friends?
A: Some..not all.

14. How old will you be in five years?
A: 28 and hopefully where I wanna be, married and have a career.

15. Do you believe in love?
A: I do..but it has failed me so many times so that faith is starting to fade.

16. Except for family and friends, who are you in love with?
A: No one.

17. Do you honestly believe you have found the right guy/girl?
A: Currently...I have no one so that's the story of my life.

18. Are you someone's best friend?
A: I am my own best friend and my own enemy.

19. Do you love music?
A: Yes.

20. Last song you listened to?
A: Corner of your heart-Ingrid Michaelson.

21. What's the instrument you wish you were able to play
A: The guitar or the violin

22. Who was the last person you talked to?
A: My brother, Hilmi.

23. Who was the last person to call you?
A: My sister, Leena.

24. Would you consider yourself a worrier?
A: All the time.

25. Do you consider yourself as a happy person?
A: Insecure and cynical..thats more me. Happy is too general.

26. Do you believe in saving yourself for marriage?
A: Well...I understand the idea but we have urges so judgment.

27. Last person that pissed you off?
A: I will not say.

28. From whom have you missed the most calls in the last 5 days?
A: My sister, Qilah.

29. Who's the first person you call when you're having a bad day?
A: Either my brother, Hilmi or one of my friends.

30. Last person who made you laugh like crazy?
A: Monk from the tv show of the same name.

31. Who's your greatest inspiration in life?
A: My parents and Angelina Jolie (yea..I really that a problem?)hehe

32. Are you a good guesser?
A: Not really.

33. Who was the last person to sing your current favorite song and what song?
A: Myself and Sensual

34. Who makes you laugh the most?
A: No one specific.

35. What have you been telling yourself lately?
A: To be more relax and focus

I got no one to tag so whoever is reading and has not done are welcome to do so.


Shemah said...

Thanks for putting up the tag Alia!!

My friend has the same problem with her name. It's just three letters. IDA. And most people pronounce it as Ee-da. The shorter the name more complicated it gets??

Anyways, I like the new look of your blog!!

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