Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Evil Look

When I'm down, I tend to go to YouTube and type 'baby laughter' just to make my day. And I recently found this video and I can't help rolling on the floor LMAO..hahaha...take a look.

God..its hilarious. I'm loving it.

To the people who had a bad day, hope this brought at least a little smile to your face. Enjoy.

Single and in my early 20's be 5 yrs old and not have the care in the world especially when it comes to BOYS.

Not that I'm complaining but as a single person in KL, you either look like a sad and pathetic sore loser or you end up someone's charity case. When did it become so taboo to be single? That's how I feel in today's world.

One great example of how society view single women is of an incident that happen to me today. I had finished an exam paper early and it was around 5pm. As you can imagine, the rush hour has begun and there is no where in hell I'm driving home then so I decided to do something. One thing that popped into my head was heading to The Curve to check out Bubba Gump Shrimp. I arrived and saw the place, I decided not to eat there cuz firstly the portion looked huge and I had a heavy lunch and lastly, was low on the moolahs. So, with free time in my hands, I wondered aimlessly and then I got to Cineleisure. Then I remembered, Iron Man was coming out today so wanna check what time did they have. And coincidently I noticed there was a show around 6.30 today so I went ahead and bought the ticket. You guys may think "OMG..she's watching it alone?????!!!!!!" but yeah I did and I've done it before so it was okay. As I was buying the ticket, the girl behind the counter asked how many I wanted, I said ONE and she just gave me this "HUH??" face..and I told her..yeah..I want ONE. This wasn't so bad but an incident afterward just had me in fits.

So I watched the movie (which btw..was good..I thoroughly enjoyed it but I just felt the trailer was too hyped up but all in was pretty good..), sat at my corner chair..all comfy and stuff. When the movie ended..I decided to sit longer just to watch the credit (cuz you never now if there is any hidden surprises cuz some movies do that ). As I watched people pass me by, some people just gave me looks like "Aww..she's alone.... boohooo" I just gave them a smile if I managed to catch their eye. But this is not the bad part. The horrible incident happened as I walked out.

As I left Cineleisure, walking down the steps to the fountain, I bumped into a 'friend' with her boyfriend. As the normal "bump into someone you barely talked to" greetings go, we had the occasional "how are you? What are you upto" chats. Now this is when I felt like punching someone. When I told her that I watched Iron Man movie alone, she gave me this loud "OHHHHHH MYYYY GOOODDDD" and "WHHYYYYYY??" (for peeps who watched FRIENDS.. you guys remember that). She gave me this little advice of not watching movies alone cuz people will judge. In my head the whole time I was like " WTF..bitch...why should I give a damn!!!" She even asked her boyfriend to tell me that its not good for me to watch movies alone. I can tell he is the type of boyfriend who gets whipped..(I pitied the fool).
As we(or she) were about to finish our chat..the last thing she said to me is "You should get out more often." I was like.."where am I?? At home??"...Ughhhh....what a bitch.

As I head home..I was thinking, why are we so hung up on having bf/gf? Don't get me wrong, I rant about not having a boyfriend as much as the next person but do I really need one now?? Is it wrong for me to watch movies alone?? Why do people judge on people who they don't know because they are sitting alone having dinner at some restaurant?? I've done that and hey..I get excellent service cuz the host or waiters are more attentive and friendlier with me. Hmmm..

Right now, yes..because of what that bitch said, it got to me. I miss having someone in my life where its just me and him and I miss falling in love. But I'm single. Some days, it felt liberating and some days, its a sad thought of being alone. Yet..I'm not really alone. I have wonderful friends whom I cherish their companionship but you guys get me right? The whole relationship with someone you love so much..that's what I miss.

Ughhhh.....that EVIL BITCH. Can't believe she got to me.

I'm gonna watch my favorite YouTube videos to make me feel better.

Till then.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sexy Sexy

Hey..have you guys tried the Sexy Name Decoder. Its kinda funny (and also..I'm kinda bored so just doing this to fill my time). Anyways..this is my sexy name....

Amorous Luscious Individual Adeptly Needing Arousing Joy and Rapturous Indulgence

Get Your Sexy Name true..hahaha.



Musical Tag

I totally forgot that my fellow blogger and friend, Rafiq had tagged me to do this Music quiz. hahaha..Sorry.

Here it is.

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how big of a music fan are you?

A: 8

  1. What music genre do you listen to the most?

A: RnB and Rock

  1. What is the first album you’ve ever owned?

A: Don't laugh but I saved my money when I was 11 yrs old to buy the UK pop group 911's record. hahahaha...Remember them?? 'Bodyshakin' ke?? hehe

  1. Did you use to have posters of your favorite singers up on your bedroom wall when you were younger? If yes, who?

A: N'Sync or Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls

  1. Do you have any music related posters up on your wall now?

A: Nah..mostly pictures.

  1. Have you ever made a mix tape for anybody?

A: No...just made for myself..sad!!

  1. Who is the best artist(s) that you’ve seen live?

A:Alicia was unplugged...amazing performer.

  1. Name 5 artists that you want to see live.

A: U2......Coldplay....Justin Timberlake....Jay Z....Michael Jackson

  1. What song always manages to pick you up when you’re feeling down?

A: Smile by Nat King Cole

  1. Name 3 of the most romantic songs.

A: When I fall in love by Nat King Cole, I'll be seeing you by Billie Holiday, and When We Dance by The Police

  1. What is the best breakup song?

A: Take a Bow by Madonna

  1. What is your favorite album?

A: None specifically

  1. What is your fondest memory when it comes to music?

A: Honestly can't think of any right now.....cuz mostly they are bad memories...haha

  1. Bonus question for the ladies only (well, unless you men want to answer this :P): Who would you rather do? Spike from 911 or Ike from Hanson?
A: Errrr........Spike from 911 cuz he can dance (well almost..)


Can anyone recommend me any good template website. I tried to update and customize my blog but I lost the 'Layout' button. Help.....!!!!!

TV land is back

First of all, I just wanna address how psyche I am that I finally am able to use Mozilla Firefox. As I previously mentioned few posts ago, I had trouble uploading pictures into the post because of some 'bug' IE had in my computer. After endless fixings and figuring things out, I finally got Firefox. Yeah!!! (yes, its not something to be happy about but whatever..). onto the topic.

Another thing I am sooooooooooo happy about is the fact that most of my favorite TV shows are BACK!!!! I have no idea how I finally feel more alive. (Ok..thats a bit of an exaggeration) But I am happy. There are a lot of shows that are finally back on but these are the 3 shows that I can't wait to get my 'eyes' on.


What is not to love? The whole sexual tension, the sad medical cases, love triangles, the whole she-bang. Its addictive and you end up rooting for the characters. I read recently that the last episode will end up in a surprising passionate kiss. Hmmmm...I wonder..who will it be?? My money is on Izzie and Alex. It couldn't be Meredith and Derek cuz that's too predictable but we'll see. Can't wait!!!!!! Also I heard Joshua Jackson (my childhood humongous crush-pic on the left) was supposed to appear on the show as a doctor. When??? when??? Now I really can't wait...hehe.


OMFG... This show is just crazy. I know its just fiction but the lives of these upper class Manhattanites is just totally worth watching.I mean, the promotional ad (above) alone is making me going bonkers with anticipation. What I like about it the most is watching the fashion. I've never seen any 15-18 years old dressing like these kids. I'm on envy trip and every time I watch an episode, I'll be focusing on the clothes. They're just fabulous. Also, one character that is coming to town and wreck havoc is Georgina Sparks played by the talented Michelle Trachtenberg. Ooooo...Its gonna be deliciously scandalizing. XoXo.


I followed the Spanish version of this show and when I heard that there will be an American version, I was like "Oh no..". But Salma Hayek did a great job casting this show. It just works. My favorite character is Marc and Amanda. They are the hilarious duo on the show and without them I think the show wouldn't work very well. America Ferrera who plays Betty is an excellent actress but sometimes her character is just plain annoying..hehe. In the latest episode, a new character name Gio seems like has a thing for our heroine. I mean what he did for her birthday..sooo sweet. Anyways, I just can't wait what the diabolical Wilhemina has up in her sleeves.

What shows are you guys anticipating?

Till next time.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turning A New Leaf

Hello all,

Decided to change the title of my Blog cuz it felt more me rather the whole BIMBO thing. Anyway, am still renewing and updating my blog so it will be more eye cathing to everyone. So if anyone out there can teach me the tricks of the will be much appreciated.

Till then...


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Would you or wouldn't you??

I just bought Cashmere Mafia after endless search for the perfect DVD series to release tension and so far I'm liking it. All the drama, true friendships and most important..FASHION!!!!.. Its kinda me bringing back to the Sex and the City days (don't get me wrong... nothing compares to Sex and the City..). the first episode, a character named Zoe caught one of her best friend-Juliet- husband having an affair with the 'town whore'. Now, after discussing with the rest of the 'Mafia'...they decide to tell Juliet. My question is, Would you tell your friend that their partner is having an affair behind her/his back? I personally matter if I know the partner well or not but I'll probably do what Mia (played by the fabooo Lucy Liu) would do; Pay the partner a little visit and do some kicking of the balls....hehehe...

How about you guys?? Will you tell or let them find out on their own?

Its an interesting question, don't you think? Its like..If you tell them, you'll have an easy conscience but what about your friend who is receiving the news?? And if you don't, and they found out out on their own AND found out that you knew you as well, they will have your head!!! Hmmmm...I think I'll stick to the telling my friend and kicking the partner's ass thing.

Oh well..gotta sleep, it's really early in the morning and I haven't slept yet...Nite2 or should I say Good Morning...


Friday, April 11, 2008

Tag Virgin (My first time)

I recently got tagged by Rafiq and Shemah to these quizzes: Music or Top 5 Hunks respectively. Obviously, I will choose Top 5 Hunks for my first time : P (Sorry undestand kan?).. Anyways..Let the tagging begin.

My Top 5 Hunks

Wentworth Miller: Caught my eye in Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" video and I was like "Dayuuuuuuummmmm". Now, he stars in the hit Fox show "Prison Break" as Michael Scofield (He is damn fine in that one too).Ever since, my loins has been yearning for him. LOL

Channing Tatum: Everyone around me knows that I'm a sucka for great dancers and if you managed to catch Channing in "Step Up", you will know why. He can dance around me anytime.

Paul Walker: Those eyes...Those ABS...Aduuuuhhhh...whats not to drool on..

Hayden Christensen: When I found out that this dude will fill in the boots of Anakin Skywalker, I was like "Who?" and then I saw his picture. Let me tell you my reaction cuz I remember it like it was yesterday, "I don't give a damn if he's unknown. He can swing his lightsaber my way anytime....". Yes..that was my reaction..LOL

Jude Law: He is my favourite British piece of pie. There is something about his stare that makes me weak in the knees.

I wish I could add more because 5 ain't enough. I'm boy crazy and I'm not ashamed. Hahahaha.Therefore, here I will list out the men that if I had more choices than 5, it will be these men:

6) Will Smith:-A man with a great sense of humour and Body.
7) Gerard Butler:- He looked great naked as well as in a suit.
8) Chris Brown:- My boy toy. He is darn cute.
9) John Cusack:- He is my beloved dorky star. He stole my heart in "Say Anything
and I wish he was outside my window with a boom box his head.
10)Stomp the Yard cast:- I loved the film and I loved the Boys. 'nuff said.

I wish I can tag someone but Syura has done it and Shemah is the one who tagged me. So in the mean time, I'll be looking around for people to tag.

Till next time.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Josh Blue Rocks my panties off

I've been YouTube-ing these past few days and everytime I go on the site, I'll type in funny comedians or Def Jam Comedy just to get a few laughters for the day. And then I remember I onced watched this dude comedian who was handicapped on TV and so I decided to go on the search for him. (Yes..x de kerja lain..)

On the search bar, I typed in handicapped comedian (I know..a bit morbid but what else can i put). And the first named that popped up was Josh Blue and I was like..."Yes Yes..thats him..I recognized that hair anywhere.."..

Let me tell u guys..He is sooooo funny. Its not like you're laughing at his disabilities but more of how he does his jokes.

Just watch....

Funny..kan??..There are more videos of him in YouTube. Check him out.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

God is giving me a break!!!.... Woot Woot...Alhamdullilah

I heard the best news today.

My lecturer decided to postpone my assignment which was due this Friday to another 2 more weeks. I'm freakin fantastically HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost had a nrevous breakdown because of this. This week I was suppose to do 2 presentations. One tomorrow and one on Friday. The Friday assignment had to do with me creating props for children. (For those out there who don't know..I'm taking a course in Early Childhood Education).

Imagine...I gotta do all this arts and craft stuff and create a prop that is usable for childrens learning. Its not easy as it sounds. You gotta consider a lot of factors like the children's age range and their developmental stage. And I gotta create at least 10 items. And I only did 2. If my assignment was suppose to be due this Friday..I'll be totally fucked!!..

But thank you Allah....I'm so I can rest my brain and my nerves...Ahhhhhhhh....


I'll be jumping and shaking my pom pom..WOOT WOOT

Till next time...


Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Aaarrgghhhhh...Im trying to upload a pic for my previous post but everytime i Internet Explorer automatically shuts down..Babbbiiiiiiiiiii.........I hate IE....I want Firefox but still..IE shuts down..I updated my anti-virus software but still...I dunno whats IE's problem...
I got so many things to stress about and now this.....Fucking hell....


The REAL Man in my Life...My Abah

The other day something very rare happened in my dad read me a story.
Ok..I'm turning 23 this year and 23 year old person doesn't get any bedtime story from their dad's anymore. It was very surreal moment in my life and I will remember and cherish till the day I die.
It started very dad was giving me his usual 'life' lectures and started talking about the things I should read (ie my course study for sure). He knows I love to read cuz I would ask him for money to buy books or mags. Anyways..then the conversation topic turned to the book he is currently reading studying since he is doing JUSA course (for those out there who don't know what JUSA course is..its the government's way to torture their 'servants' into getting a promotion and upgrade their 'grade'..yeah..its confusing..but whatev..). In this course, they made the participant read this book called "The Iceberg is Melting" by John Kotter. Eventhough the title is misleading but its actually a management book disguised as a fable. Basically the story is about a penguin named Fred who on his heroic lonesome, is trying to convince his fellow penguins that their home is about to melt. Very cute actually. As we were moving from the dining room to the living room, my dad had me plonked myself next to him and he began to read. He chose the chapter where he stopped and as he was first I was like "oh great..he's trying to teach me a lesson by reading me a penguin story" and I started to figit under the table. And then as he flipped pages..I was like "this is fun". He at times needed me to explain what was some of the metaphoric meanings in the book (which I thought was cute..) and some of the words he didn't understand. I thought he would be finishing that one chapter but then he continued reading until he almost finished the book..he even started at the beginning of the book so I wouldn't be lost. I thought at the moment.." dad and I are having a father-daughter bonding time". I felt touched and I knew it wasn't his intention to read it to me like a story book but it felt special. I felt 5 again. He never read to me when I was little but at least I can look back at that moment and say "My dad did read me a bedtime story (I say its bedtime cuz it was late and we were about to sleep).
Our relationship was a rocky one. In the beginning, he was home yet he and my mom would argue a lot and I use to think of him as the bad guy. And then as I approached my teen years..he was barely there. During my first few years in college, he confided in me and told me he had another woman in his life which eventually had me follow him to go see her in Pahang. After that incident..things between me and him just went down hill. I guess now I feel that we're doing better.
My dad is a very private quiet yet egoistical man. He doesn't say much but when he does..he talks about meaningful things and during this time I like him the best. Some kids can't stand their parents lecture but I relish this moment cuz you never know what past stories he will tell. It kind helps me see the real side of him and not that Darth Vader creepiness he projects. And the one thing I can't stand looking at my dad is when he cries. It's just a heartbreaking thing to see. He cries only on really sad moments like when my grandma died or when my sister, Leena was flying off to the states to finish her degree..basically important moments..that's when he gets emotional.
My dad is one person who I know can never be replaced. A man on his own who I admire and respect the most and he is the living proof of that perserverance will take you a long way.
My siblings like to say that I'm 'Abah's girl' and eventhough sometimes I loathe that title but it makes me feel special.It may seem like an Electra Complex but I do realize I'm more on my Dad side than my Mom's. (I do love them equally..but yeah..)

I love my abah and he is the one man in my heart that can never be replaced.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Save the Trees..Start a Blog

Blogging for me is like when I was 8 years old and detemined to be Harriet the Spy. Trying to keep a journal and write every conquest or adventures I encounter.
But then again, I'm no Harriet. I can't keep a God damn journal. I usual buy them because of the pretty frilly covers. And my life is no adventure.
Now that I'm in my early 20's, I say why not. Its a cultural phenomenon and like sex, everyone is doing it. I'm just trying to fit in. Or at least I can rant out where not everyone will be reading.
As I enter this Blogsphere domain, I am wondering.."What should I write about?" I don't want to write everything I think about but then whatever I think about is all I can think about. Ok..I'm rambling. See what happens when you get all nervous or pressured (not that anyone is pressuring me..). But honestly, I'm quite inspired by my friend, who I shall call "S". She blogs and she is being paid. I'm impressed how one can just sit in front of their computer and write whatever they feel like it and get paid. Ahh..Modern techno is making the human race more lazier and lazier ("S" if ur offence..look at what I'm doing). No wonder Obesity is an Epidemic around the world. Ok..I'm just being a smart mouth. Who am I to judge? But then again I am judgemental.Whatever.. Lets move on.
Since I got no idea what to talk or write about, I'll shall end with this..
My inner thoughts may be offensive, political, and downright vulgar but they ARE my thoughts. Got an opinion.. write on the comment board and we shall discuss.
Till next time..

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