Monday, October 27, 2008

Help me find some Moolahs......................

..............So i can get these:

1- Sony Ericsson W960i

Why? First of all, I am a loyal Sony Ericsson user and I believe in their phones. They are user friendly, functional and last pretty long. I like this particular model because of its storage capacity which is 8gb. It also has the "Walkman 3.0 Touch player - best music player on a phone EVER" according to and I have tried it and I have to agree. So basically, when I saw the phone at the shop, I was really impressed. When I held it, it kinda have this Blackberry feel to it. But one thing that is breaking my heart is the price. RM 1999.00. *cries* Man!!!!! How now??? I guess I have to wait for it unless I win the lottery or something. Haish!!!!

2- DSC-W170 W Series

Why? I went to Courts Superstore the other day and I manage to try pretty much every camera in the shop but nothing held my attention long enough like this camera. At first I wanted another camera but this took a lot of nice pics and I was impressed on the price. Not too expensive. RM 1199.00. Ok what??? I gotta figure out how to get these items w/o doing something stupid. Work..yes but it will take me forever to get these items!!!!!

Think Alia...Think Alia......

Till next time...toodles!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

If I was Rich....

Have you ever muttered these 4 words? Don't Lie...I bet you all have, right? Even the well-off ones have muttered this sentence. Now...why is it? Are we not just satisfied with what we have? Well obviously, duh.....But seriously, why?

I personally like saying these words cuz I enjoy pondering what my life would have been like if I was rich. I do know that money does not bring you happiness. But having a butt-loads of cash is just plain fun. And sometimes I do think it does bring happiness to people. Imagine being able to do a lot of things you love. ooooo...To be Scrooge McDuck for a that is just lovely. Why I refer to Scrooge McDuck is because I find it amusing how he can just dive into his vault filled gold as if he was swimming. Now that is just crazy but comically fun.

Let me just fill you guys in if I was rich I would...

1) Travel: I think everyone has this on their list, right? Places I would love to visit someday is
-Capri, Italy,
-Santorini, Greece
- New York City
- Bermuda
- Japan
- Dubai
- Mecca, Saudi Arabia
- Egypt
- Morroco
- Spain

And many more...I will post up about these places in upcoming post cuz for me to just say it does not do justice when I tell you the reasons why I wanna go there. : D

2) Investments: You guys will probably look at me with a really puzzling face. Yes..I don't look like someone who will invest in something big unless its a Chanel bag. LOL. Seriously, I would love to make big investments and mostly it will go to properties. My friend, Syura and I was discussing about this the other day and how it is important to do property investments. I would love to buy properties in places mentioned in my travel wish list. Now that will be awesome!!!

3) Buy a Ginormous House near a beach

4) Shopping: Obviously!!! I'm not so into brands but if I was rich..I will go on a crazy shopping spree. You girls feel me right??

5) Cars: I am not a car aficionado but who wouldn't want to buy a kick-ass car. The other day I saw this picture of Aston Martin Vanquish S front and I was like "Come to Mama.." hehehe.
Come on..just look at this beauty....

My brother says I won't look good in it but whatever man. I want one!!!!

6) Jet Plane: Its a crazy idea but wouldn't it be nice to have your own plane and travel as you wish. Lovely!!!

There are many things I would love to do if I was rich but these 6 are my main priorities.

What would do if you were rich???
Something to ponder huh??

Till the next post.....XoXo

Saturday, October 18, 2008

One Random Day Out

Its a Saturday and I woke up thinking that today I will do nothing. Maybe some chores here and there but pretty much nothing interesting.

As I was reading the Star newspaper, I came across this little article on what to do on a Saturday (I think its in the Metro section). And in the corner of the page was an article about FREE DANCING WORKSHOPS. I was intrigued. They offered free teachings on Flamenco, Salsa, Belly Dancing, Capoeira and many more. I always wanted to learn Belly Dancing and I've already bought that shimmy skirt thingy eons ago so I thought.."Why not?" I've got nothing to do and maybe I can get a little bit of exercise for today.

And so I packed up some stuff and headed to the studio situated in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, KL.
The workshop started at 11am but I came around 3pm and I came just in the nick of time cuz the Belly Dancing class was about to start. I was the only one who brought her shimmy skirt so I was very "bangga" with myself when the instructor, Nancy, was very pleased with me for bringing it. LOL. Anyways, since it was just an intro class, she just taught the basic and different Belly Dancing technique out there (and there is quite a number..). And boy I felt really sexy.LOL. And the hip movements and shimming around was not easy. Since I went alone, I pretty much had to rely on myself to follow the instructor. Some of the other participant brought someone with them and they tend to rely on their friend for help in the steps. I must say it was sooooooo liberating. I just shimmied around with no care in the world. After the class ended, I continued to stay to see other type of dances. Basically, I participated in Capoeira, Flamenco and Latin Aerobics. Capoeira was the hardest one. If you have the stamina and able to carry your body, you should join this. Its interesting but not my thing. My fav. was Latin Aerobics. The instructor, Stephan was so energetic and he mentioned that he combines all type of Latin moves. Another moment I felt sexy..haha.

I must say, after leaving the studio, I was very happy with myself. You know when you have nothing to do and feel bored and you continue to do nothing for the rest of your day and you just sulk. Today, I can proudly tell myself at least I did something and which is so random.
I told myself this, " You are bored cuz you're boring". Tell yourself this and you may somehow find yourself doing something absolutely random. Try it dudes and dudettes. You may suprise yourself.

Till the next whine, toodles.

Note: The studio I went to was called Havana Estudio. The owner is Sharie (very nice lady). You can visit their website at and check out other classses you may want to participate.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just a little side note


I would like to thank to those who have stopped by my blog and maybe have some little interest in this little thing of mine. Do say hi at my cbox (see side box) or drop me a comment so we can exchange views or whatever.

Don't be shy. I won't bite. : D


Kini Tiba Masanya...berHari Raya

Hi peeps....

Its been more than a week that the Muslims welcomed the month of Syawal and where we celebrate Eid Mubarrak. Usually the Muslims are going all out with preparation before the special day and my family ain't any different. My mom will make her absolutely 'sedap' (tasty) chicken rendang, ketupat, and kuah kacang with peparu *salivates*..

This year celebration is different though. We have a new member in our family, my brother-in-law, Abg. Rizal. Now this fellow, he told us that he never had the proper Eid celebration where usually ppl will 'balik kampung' and where family members will ask for forgiveness and all that shazam. So he told us, he never done all that and this is the very first time doing all the typical preparation and traditional customs. Lets just say he was quite 'jakun' (overly excited). *its okay Abg. u are part of the Najri Clan..u will realize we have a lot of dumb traditions : P*

Another thing that was different was, since my grandma is staying with us for a while, my mom's sibs came to celebrate at our house so our house was very 'meriah'. Even the night before, we were playing fireworks like little over eager kids. Hehehe....Just check out the pics below

Before you check out the pics, let me recommend something to you all. If you ever try to purchase illegal firecrackers or whatever shiznits...I recommend the "KLCC". Just ask the seller why. (no pics were taken during this "KLCC" display cuz we were too occupied with its awe-ness)

-My Family-

My sis & my brother-in-law

My sister and my brother
(Being vain is what we know best)


-Lighting up the tree-

-Christmas Tree during Eid Mubarrak??-

-My siblings and my little cousin being 'jakun'-

-My uncle and my brother cooking 'lemang'-

-My brother-in-law getting excited-

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I ain't no Superwoman but I am a Wonder Woman

Just one of those filler post. Will be back soon with more things to whine. : D

Your results:
You are Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

*Feel free to tag yourself if you wanna do this..

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