Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Am Just a Woman

I am Just a woman,
nothing special,
nothing exciting,
nothing that stands out.

I am Just a woman,
with a fragile soul,
with a breakable heart,
with an uncertain mind

I am Just a woman,
with a bulbous nose,
round face,
pudgy body,
and short legs.

I am Just a woman,
who still waits for true love to come,
but knows it never will.

I am Just a woman,
who wants to close her heart,
but can't.....

Cuz I am a woman.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All the Single Ladies...All the Single Ladies

VALENTINES DAY....The most vile, wretched consumer ridden holiday is coming up.

Me being the ever so pessimistic and cynical, find this particular day absolutely draining and unworthy of my time. First of all, I don't believe in Valentine's Day. Why is it everyone is so caught by this day is beyond me. A particular day has been chosen so that people can get all stressed out about what to get for their significant other. Don't they realize that this particular holiday has been over advertised and the idea of it has been used to manipulate the public to BUY BUY BUY!!!!

I know that there are those out there who take pride in this particular day to celebrate their love for each other. I don't know...don't you think just because of a holiday, you need to celebrate your love on that day itself? Why not you celebrate your love everyday?


I think you have guessed that I'm a single lady who is basically cynical to a point of obnoxious, who hates this "LOVE" day. Maybe I've taken too many of the BITTER PILL, but I just had to rant out.Valentine's Day is very hard for us singles or in harsher terms "spinsters".
I don't celebrate it even when I had a boyfriend ( yes...I once had a bf eons ago....). I just think its a ridiculous idea. But I think its harder when people start asking..... "What are you gonna do for Valentine's?" or "Anyone special you're gonna celebrate it with?".....STOP ASKING!!!!!!!
Anyways....trying my best to survive this holiday, I found this article that made me a whole much better......

To all my Single Ladies.....this is for you.

Dear strangely single girlfriends,

I’ve been wanting to write you girls for a long time, but I needed to come to terms with myself first. I mean we are not spring chickens but rather we are attractive, independent, successful and capable ladies who happen to be single and let me say here, who deserve accolades for still remaining single on our own terms.

Compromise is obviously not a word we believe in when it comes to relationships. What’s the name of that Phil Collins song( I think so anyway, my memory is dim) …”it’s not a compromise or ….”. Forget that song . Love is about mutual giving and loving that ’s what we ‘re really holding out for, do correct me if I am wrong of course.

We must congratulate ourselves for not having made the folly of jumping into a relationship and having to compromise. Like hmm, let me see, I don’t know, maybe our ideals, our dream man, our independence and so many more reasons, simply to comply with social expectations and during our moments of weakness (oh boy , do we have some eh , girlfriends).

Instead we have held steadfast to our convictions, because even when most of us singles yearn to find true love, we are not without choice. But really in the face of choices, we have unconsciously made decisions that eliminates for the moment ,coupledom, because we are true to ourselves thereby prolonging the single status and saying nay to compromise.

So be that as it may , we are strangely single not because we have no choice or that we are flatfooted or triple nostril-ed ,attractive in some continents I believe, but because we have certitude and self love (according to Neale Donald Walsh in his book “Conversations With God, self love is defined as an all encompassing and accepting love which is neither narcissistic nor selfish” . Although our decisions may be unconscious and comes from our true self but because as often as we are derided by society for our singlehood (people really think it strange we should be single), we also , now deny this as you may, also self deprecate our social state and lose focus.

I know we do not proclaim against marriage or relationships , and yes , whilst there are moments when we would have liked someone to love us and stroke our hair tenderly or wash our cars happily, we do not for one minute envy the attached and married ones. We wish you in fact , all the very best.

You see, with prolonged singledom, we have expanded wisdom and self love. We know that behind every smile is probably a tear or two. Behind every tender stroke could have been a moment of compromise, and we hope that, in the strangely single land when we finally leave it , it is with calmness, maturity , bigness of heart and soul such that the love is all consuming and nothing is a compromise. We would have met the man or woman who is our true soulmate , who may be different from us in every way but because what we love are the differences , maybe the smelly feet , not so funny jokes and quirkiness but it isn’t a compromise.We can truly embrace the saying , it is not how much you love the perfection but it is in loving the imperfection that spells true love .

So to all my strangely single girlfriends who may be dreading and putting up a brave front for the impending Valentine’s Day this year and every year , be brave and know that you are on the true path of self discovery.Valentines always brings out the uglies for the singles and this year , let’s celebrate self love and singledom instead of the lack of couplehood. Let’s celebrate Singles Awareness Day instead! Let’s not let one day define who we truly are. Are we lesser of a person if we stay at home and watch TV , by ourselves? Gosh I hope not, because there are always so many romantic adventures on that idiot box…..

*article taken from*

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