Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pro at Procrastinating

Oh God... I'm such a lazy a** effer. I can't even update my blog.

I'm trying to be devoted to this but I seem to be soooo lazy at updating.

I have soooooo much to say and type but noooooo...NADA... nothing. Gosh.. I visit my friend's blog all the time but I can't even update my own little blog.

I need to STOP this procrastinating...but...I'm Lazy.. You can say I'm the Head of the ProcrastiNATION.

But...honestly..what's the point. YOU (whoever you are) are probably the only one reading this right now. I don't have any LOYAL readers. But who can blame them..there is nothing to read here except for my old post.

Too bad I don't do this for money like some of my fellow bloggers. At least I'll be more motivated. Hmmmm....but like seriously...what's the point??? My blog won't be updated as often. FUCKKKKKK!!!!!! (sorry if that offended you..I can swear like a sailor sometime.. :P)

Oh well...Reader....pray for me so maybe I have the strength to write something tomorrow.

Till then...(whenever that'll may be)


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